Nanite Descent Mac OS

Home > College of Liberal Arts > Department of English > Studies in English > Studies in English > Vol. 9 (1968)

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Recommended Citation

Dollarhide, Louis E. (1968) 'Othello’s Descent from Reason,' Studies in English: Vol. 9 , Article 6.
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NOTE: Descent 3 for Mac OS Update 1.4.2 Beta 1 (OpenGL) will not run correctly unless you have the update, Descent 3 for Mac OS 1.4.1 installed. Place the Descent 3 1.4.2 (OpenGL) application program into your Descent 3 folder. The old Descent 3 (OpenGL) application is no longer needed and may be thrown away. Classic Only. Descent 3 Descent. Install Descent (almost as per the normal instructions in the wiki) run Eclipse (don't bother running as root) goto Help- Install New Software from the menu bar. (wtf does that do in the Help menu?!) copy/paste into the url field. Follow on screen instructions to finish installation.

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